
True Reality of Sexuality and Power of Orgasm

“It’s easy to take off your clothes and have sex; people do it all the time, but opening up your soul to someone, letting them into your spirit, thoughts, fears, future, hopes, dreams… that’s being naked.”
– Rob Bell

True sexuality has to do with allowing someone to touch you in your most intimate places in the most intimate ways. This represents sharing your deepest thoughts and emotions with someone else, and thus with yourself. This means opening up and becoming vulnerable on many levels. Just as the female opens up her legs and allows the male to penetrate her deepest, most intimate physical space (thoughts), the male takes his most vulnerable physical place (thoughts) and puts them into his partner. Together, they explore new levels of intimacy, trust, and companionship with each other, and thus reach deeper within Self.

Within this context, think of the sexual union based upon the idea of creation. The sensations from foreplay are the buildup of creation energy to the point where it can no longer remain stable, so it then explodes into a creational burst that emanates into all realities. Imagine the power and fulfillment you will and know. At that moment, you actually become one with the creative process of God-Mind in conscious awareness. When you hold this feeling in mind always, think of how wonderful your life can become!

Many people wonder about the frequency of sexual union and what is considered “normal.” Only you know what is normal for you – each individual must go by how he/she feels as well as the personal satisfaction and fulfillment factor.

God-Mind is infinitely and constantly creating, always in a constant of orgasmic release. To replicate this in the same way would require humans to have nonstop orgasms. The human body is not designed for this. As a part of God-Mind, your mind fulfills this through its incessant thinking – this is constant creation. As the thoughts build in your mind, the brain which is a device of the mind, responds by creating sexual hormones and chemicals in the body. As these fluids build, so does the sexual desire until you feel the need for physical sexual expression. The more and deeper you think, the more sexual you are physically. The inner world always manifests in the outer world.

Rather than go for the “quick-fix” which in most cases does not work, it is important to take some time to work on yourself. When you work on yourself, then the person who best reflects you automatically is pulled to you through the strength of your mind-pattern. If you are in a panic to bring in a partner, that panic energy will pervade the relationship and ultimately destroy it.

The more order that you can create within yourself, the more order will be reflected back to you within your relationships. When you are truly willing to grow within your own personal and Oversoul matrix, then the strength of this mind-pattern automatically draws the same type of partner to you. Once you are at this point, then you can truly begin the next level of intimacy that can only be accomplished with a correct partner.

Appreciate who you are and how you appear, and once you resolve this internal issue, then the strength of your mind-pattern will attract the correct partner for the correct reasons.

Like everything that exists, sexual activity serves many purposes. Psychic energy, which is the energy that maintains the body (digestion, breathing, walking, etc.), pools at the base of the spine. Orgasm releases this energy back into the system, helping to keep the flow. The auric fields of people who are not sexually active become stagnant, as do their bodies.

Understand the energetic circuit that is created between male and female during sexual activity. Learn about sexuality as it is intended to be. Understand that the various sexual positions all have layers of meaning. Explore “sexual magick” in accordance with the wishes of your Oversoul and God-Mind. Explore the mental and physical intimacy that is created between two people. Explore sexuality on a grander scale. Understand that it is all about creation, and the orgasmic release of energy is your opportunity to create in this reality.

– From the Book “True Reality of Sexuality” by Stewart Swerdlow and Janet Swerdlow

“When you own your own sexuality, you will see the opportunities you have to express it, and you will decide whether you want to express it in those ways or not.”

“Very deep inside the mechanism of sexuality is a frequency that can be attained that has been sought after and misunderstood by many people. It is called orgasm. Sexuality connects you with a frequency of ecstasy, which connects you back to your divine source and to information. The sexual parts of the body are avenues to pleasure that create frequencies that heal and stimulate the body and potentially lead it to its higher spiritual self.”

“You are going through this frequency modulation and learning how to raise your frequency to a place of consistent information, self-love, and self-intimacy. Therefore, it can seem very confusing and sometimes frightening to take this vulnerable thing you are learning about yourself and layer up and merge with another. The more you become aware, the more you take charge of how you use your body, where you plug it in, where you sit it down, and certainly who you mix it with sexually.”

“If expressing yourself sexually now encouraged your greatest growth, you would automatically create that experience for yourself because you would be ready for it. Understand that, during the process of evolving the self, very often a period of dormancy in sexual activity occurs. Within the sexual frequency, you exchange with one another. So if you are bonding yourself and chemically exchanging with a person who is not of your likeness, you are taking on their garbage because you are exchanging energy quite intimately.”

“Frequency is carried from you to another person particularly if there is a love bonding. A love bonding does not mean that you are going to cleave to one another forever. It simply means that you are in a relationship for however long you deem that relationship appropriate in that you honor one another and exchange energies and let the energies flow as if through open circuitry. When you do not love another and you are not bonded, there is no exchange; the circuitry does not open. It does not mean that you cannot have good sex; it simply means that the circuitry is not open.”

“As this electrical current is raised higher and higher, there are greater heights of orgasmic experience that the human body can receive because the nervous system is able to handle the higher ecstatic frequencies. The nervous system will determine how you express yourself and how you feel. If you have a poorly evolved nervous system, your sexual experience will be very limited because the nervous system conducts the electrical current. The orgasmic experience brings about a healing and realignment of the physical body.”

“You can learn to use the energy that would stimulate you sexually without giving it over to another person. Instead of getting chaotic and crazy, you may explore that energy by practicing the art of masturbation, knowing that it is perfectly legitimate and fine to do it. Or, you may want to simply observe that you feel a sexual arousal and decide what you are going to do with it. You may say, “Well, I’m not going to act on this now. Let’s see where this energy goes.” Take the energy, let it rise through your body, and use it in other areas.”

– From the Book “Bringers of the Dawn” (Fifth Dimensional Beings known as the Pleiadians)

“One aspect of sex that few pay attention to is that it is about mixing energy. Human biological sex exists to create variability in the human gene pool. Energetically, a similar mixing occurs between each individual. We literally mix energy with each other in sex. If we are mindful and aware, we can see we know things or have feelings that are not ours. Rather, it is what we picked up from the other individual. Some give the other clarity, others give the other confusion. The recommendation is to develop a clear insight as to our truth and our true nature before engaging in sexuality. The energy exchange between individuals cause the energy of the thoughts and intentions we hold to get both energetically mixed and be planted in fertile ground within each other. The stronger a partner’s will, the more energetically influenced the ‘weaker’ partner is, so one has to be mindful of whom he or she chooses to be a fleeting or lasting influencer in their lives.”

– Eirini Haritou

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