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Death Is Illusion: We Continue To Live In Parallel Universe

Death Is Illusion: We Continue To Live In Parallel Universe

For as long as anyone can remember philosophers, scientists and religious men have pondered what happens after death. Is there life after death, or do we just vanish into the great unknown? There is also a possibility there is no such thing as what we usually define as death. A new scientific theory suggests that…

7 Heart-Based Steps to Manifestation

7 Heart-Based Steps to Manifestation

One of the most powerful pieces of advice when it comes to the manifesting process is to get out of your head and into your heart. There needs to be a shift from the buzzing mental vibration that blocks the energy, to a state of flow and surrender that creates the space to allow for…

Magic Stones Provide Power for Manifesting Desires

Magic Stones Provide Power for Manifesting Desires

Crystals are power sources for manifestation. They are conduits for Source energy to flow through. They also contain intelligence as they are living stones. Working with crystal energy is equivalent to working with electricity. It is powerful stuff. You can work with crystals to attract and manifest things.

Does Christianity Make Us Weak?

Does Christianity Make Us Weak?

Christian morality keeps people in line. It renders people an undifferentiated mass that smothers the individual’s will to power. It gives people a convenient excuse to be ordinary.

NASA Found that Everything the Bible says is True

NASA Found that Everything the Bible says is True

For all you scientists out there and for all the students who have had a hard time convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible – here’s something that illustrates God’s awesome creation and shows He is still in control. Did you know that NASA’s space…

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